Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Christmas Day in London Town

Christmas eve was spent sitting in front of my Christmas tree staring at my pressies jealous that my friends and family in NZ had already ripped into theirs, and having catch ups with the McQuoid clan over the phone.


I could barely sleep I was so excited... But finally the morning came and I was quick outta bed down to the tree to gather those goodies and take them all back to bed. It was not the usual, wake up and get to the gate by 9am to give Santa a beer as he drives past on the fire truck in exchange for some Macintosh lollies like in Te Puru.

I was absolutely spoilt

View from my bed Christmas morning

No public transport works on Christmas day in London, so we rang up Abdul to take us to Brett and Deanna's for Christmas day Shenanigans in Canary Wharf. 

The day started out with a few games and a few drinks and plenty of laughs.

Bretts Candy machine toy

TIme for the secret Santa game

Santa and his Elves

Kudos to the chefs Deanna & Lisa, and to Danny for the most amazing glazed ham ever! We had a delicious spread, proper Christmas dinner with Turkey and Yorkshire puddings.

D seeing to the Turkey

We had a surprise visit from some rowdy Australian friends needless to say dessert did not get served but more beverages did!

The Lovely Hostess

Drink up Lisa!

Clownish dancing

I am really big on Christmas, love the family & friends coming together over food and drinks and usually sunshine. I thought I would find it really hard to have Christmas away from my family, well going by the tears shed Christmas eve, it was hard, but all us orphans had such an awesome day and night together I soon forgot about it and completely embraced my first London Christmas... Even if it wasn't a white one! 

Hope everybody had an awesome day... xx

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