Sunday, 24 July 2011

London's Calling...

After years of dreaming and months of saving, many a sad good bye and 30 hours of travelling, here we are lying on Maggie Dalgety's couch in Clapham.

Thanks to all my friends and family that came to say Haere Ra. Although I am pretty sure for these two it was just an excuse to have KFC for breaky.

Got an amazing leaving gift, can you spot it? Thanks Sez and Charlene I will treasure it forever. For a while there I thought we would become one because my finger swelled so much from being on the plane i couldn't get it off... I actually have removed some skin off the finger knuckle trying to get it off... But now its fine. xx

Will very much miss these two little munchkins and am scared to think how much they will grow when I'm away. Don't grow up to fast please it makes aunty feel old!!

Here's our noble steed waiting patiently for us to board. First take off didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The first leg was about 9 hours and we had sweet seats, thank you travel agent sister for sorting that out! If you ever need to travel give Kelly Waiuku Flight Centre a call! 

I will show you a before photo but definitely not an after photo, twenty something hours of flying does not look or smell pretty!

Thanks to Kelly B for my birthday present that got me through a few hours of the trip.

The views from the pane were amazing and my sh1tty camera does not do them justice. But you will just have to come and see for yourself if you want a proper look!

After a 3 hour wait at Brunai airport, getting felt up by customs, served toast when asking for a cheese toastie and mistaken for Australians (no surprises here) we were off for leg two to Dubai. This took about 8 hours I think. Dubai Airport is so awesome. I was gutted we flew into Dubai at night time as it would have been awesome to see the city!... Will have to go back for a proper visit me thinks!

Third leg we mostly slept it was about 6 and a half or 7 hours. I would definitely advise taking a neck pillow as it was my best friend on the flight, a sleeping mask and an empty bottle to fill with water so our not calling the attendant every 20 minutes. Super important to keep yourself hydrated and go for lots of walks to avoid cramping and weird spasms!

Will show some pics of London soon. We are loving it!!!


1 comment:

  1. aaahhhhh!! swonderful you are amongst the pints already! xxx
